Prepare Your Golf Course For The Off Season

Summer is officially over, it’s the end of the summer holidays, and children are back to school - which means it’s also the end of the golf season here in the UK. The golf season runs from April to September during our warmest months of the year, when the days are longer, but here in the UK the golf season tends to keep going. With this in mind, as we head into autumn, we’ve listed some actions below you might want to consider to prepare your golf course ahead of the winter months.

Cooling temperatures in autumn and changes in weather make this a great time to tackle golf course renovations and make improvements to your course. Furthermore autumn is a crucial time to overseed cool-season grasses, which should be done to ensure favourable playing conditions during winter.

Keep reading to discover our top tips on how to make the most of the off-season by tackling tasks for your golf course that will set you in good stead for winter.

How to prepare your golf course for the off-season in autumn and winter

Golf course maintenance

Use this time to undertake essential maintenance for your golf course and replace anything that is beyond repair.

At Huxley Golf, we understand that natural tees are costly and time-consuming to maintain - so we offer realistic, high quality, durable and low maintenance solutions for golf courses.

Our solutions offer all-weather commercial applications that include golf greens, practice nets, golf mats, golf tees, practice tees and artificial turf pathways.

Protect golf turf

Protecting the golf term during autumn is key as the weather becomes colder and wetter. A preventative step you can take is preparing temporary greens and diverting your golfers to other areas of the golf course. This will help recover turf quality which may have undergone excessive wear and tear during the peak season. Keep reading on to find out about our temporary greens.

Prepare temporary greens and tees

We recommend using temporary greens and tees to be used throughout winter.

Temporary Golf Greens

At Huxley Golf , our Commercial Practice Greens are designed to receive full golf shots whilst ensuring that putts run true and at a realistic speed. Our synthetic surface and artificial green construction ensure superb pliability and durability in all weather conditions, and are long lasting with minimal maintenance.

Golf Course Tees & Practice Tees

Our all-weather golf tees have been selected by many of the world’s top golf courses as a high quality, attractive, low maintenance alternative to natural turf. They are suitable for use on the golf course, practice area or range as an extension, replacement or seasonal alternative to natural grass tees. Our Premier Tee Turf 2 will help spread wear and tear and reduce maintenance requirements, which eliminates the need for playing on badly worn natural grass surfaces or from unyielding and uncomfortable artificial golf mats.

Final thoughts

Although the golf season in the UK runs from April to September, golf can be enjoyed all year round and it’s also a great time of the year to work on improving your golf course.

At Huxley Golf we want to help you make the most of your golf facilities all year round by improving and enhancing playing surfaces and golf practice facilities.

If you would like to learn more about the products we offer, visit contact a member of our sales team here.

The Huxley name has been synonymous with premium all-weather golf surfaces and products. Endorsed by the UK’s leading golf organisations as well as many legendary golfers and celebrities and their coaching teams, the Hampshire-based company’s artificial golf surfaces are in use all around the world at top-flight courses, resorts, and training academies.