Woodhall Spa

The English Golf Union (EGU) has served as the governing body of male amateur golf in England since it was founded in 1924 and is one of the largest sports governing bodies in England looking after the interests of over 1,900 golf clubs and 740,000 club members. The National Golf Centre at Woodhall Spa is now the home of English amateur golf and provides a top class coaching environment for the national squads as well as excellent golfing facilities that are available to all players, whatever their handicap. It has one of the finest coaching facilities in Europe and encourages juniors and adults of all standards to improve their skills.

Huxley Golf was first commissioned by The English Golf Union for installations at The National Golf Centre at Woodhall Spa in 1998. The National Golf Centre continues to use Huxley Golf surfaces for the training of England's Elite squads, both on the short game and practice range areas.